Insinuendo,insinuations and innuendo to my knowledge a word not before used in a song. Lyrics inspired by ideas relating to perception and symmetry. Relationships and colour combinations, pleasure and pain the name of the game. T.J.H
During that Holy War in Iraq I composed a number of songs inspired by insightful sermon's (often delivered from a high mountain) by George Bush and his sidekick Tony Blare. The album entitled Way Out West delivered me from temptation for a while and eased feelings of frustration and desperation. I chose to parody a number of iconic songs all of which helped shape my childhood into a Shape. Ballad of Davy Crockett, A four Legged Friend and Home...
Music Glue enables me to offer music and related stuff direct to you. I have featured some Albums and Free bits and pieces, as an alternative option to itunes ect. Take a look and listen there is some unique material , may take your fancy. T.J.H
For some while now bogus companies have been selling my albums as imports on Amazon for staggering prices. I have tried to get this stopped but so far to no avail. Please do not consider these products they are nothing to do with my distribution arrangements and are an infringement of copyright. The downloads should be fine and itunes also. Amazon copyright infringement Terry
Hello, Nice of you to drop in. My name is Terry Hughes, I am a Composer Singer Songwriter and here you will find Music, Media and Information relating to my work past and present. What's New? Hybrid.. A new music amalgamation that features compositions ranging from Orchestral to Acoustic and lots in between. Plus a cluster of New songs arranged for performance with my musical troupe Prototype. I am aiming to release elements of the music in a...