Wild Frontier

During that Holy War in Iraq I composed a number of songs inspired by insightful sermon's (often delivered from a high mountain) by George Bush and his sidekick Tony Blare. The album entitled Way Out West delivered me from temptation for a while and eased feelings of frustration and desperation. I chose to parody a number of iconic songs all of which helped shape my childhood into a Shape. Ballad of Davy Crockett, A four Legged Friend and Home...

Hello you found Me.

Hello, Nice of you to drop in. My name is Terry Hughes, I am a Composer Singer Songwriter and here you will find Music, Media and Information relating to my work past and present. What's New? Hybrid.. A new music amalgamation that features compositions ranging from Orchestral to Acoustic and lots in between. Plus a cluster of New songs arranged for performance with my musical troupe Prototype. I am aiming to release elements of the music in a...